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Writer's pictureLouise Smallbone

Online Teaching: Tips and Tricks!

As we are all aware, the current climate has meant that online teaching and learning has become the norm. But I don't know about you, I find it really difficult to not work in a learning environment. Now that students are about to embark on their way home to complete the last few weeks of uni before Christmas holidays, I thought I would compile a list of tips and tricks about how best to stay motivated, and effectively stay in their work headspace even away from uni.

(Scroll down to the bottom to see my YouTube video about online teaching)

Please note, this tips are from my own experience, and I know that everyone has their own way of working. These are just a few things that I have found useful whilst working at home!

Keep to a routine - Sticking to a routine that follows your uni timetable means that your body and mind form patterns and habits. As easy as it is to stay in bed, or stay up late, being a routine and disciplining yourself Mon - Fri will allow you to have weekends off, and evenings to relax.

Drink plenty of fluids - Water helps your concentrate and especially with being online a lot, it can help headaches. I try to stick to max. 2 cups of coffee and the after 12pm moving onto herbal teas and water. Caffeine in high doses can be detrimental to your concentration levels and the coffee lows are never a fun thing to deal with!

Putting your phone away - The biggest distraction for all of us is our phone! Put it away in your draw, give it to your parents to hide or put it on silent/airplane mode. When we need to sit and get work done, alleviating all possible distractions is one of the best things we can do.

Give yourself breaks - It's easy to get so into work, and feel so overwhelmed by the amount of work that we can sit for hours without a break. But it's really important to allow your brain to stop, and focus on something else for a bit. Work smarter, not harder.

Time yourself - Dependent on the work I like to use timers. I find these really useful in being able to plan my work schedule. When I am writing or planning an essay I give myself 25 mins on and 5 mins off. Do this 4 times and you've completed 2 hours of work! For reading articles or books, I'll do 30-45 mins on.

Write a to-do list - When I don't write a to-do list I find it so hard to get cracking with work. Lists give me aims and objectives, and there is nothing more satisfying than crossing out completed tasks!

Get moving - During this time it can be difficult to get outside. But if you are able to do so, take a walk around the block. Give yourself 20 mins to just walk or jog or bike around. If you can't get outside, there are loads of exercise and fitness videos online for free. I tend to do Pilates or Yoga.

Limit high-carb or sugary snacks - I'll be the first to say I am really bad at this. But having fruit or veg in your diet is healthy and helps your brain power. I like having apple and peanut butter, or chopped up veggies with houmous.

Turn off self-view - This was an absolute game changer for me. It is not natural to look at yourself all the time, and I ended up critiquing myself on how I looked, or would get distracted by my background. Turn it off, and focus on the seminar, trust me it is so much better.

Write notes - If you are able to write then have a go at writing notes rather than relying solely on your laptop. I say this because when I spend too much time on my phone or laptop, the blue light keeps me awake at night or I get really bad headaches. Writing notes allows me to take my eyes away from a screen, even if it is just for a moment.

Be kind to yourself - This year looks very different and so does your work. Your concentration levels, work motivation and ability to stay focussed is also going to be impacted. So don't beat yourself up about it. Try your best and some days, it just doesn't happen and that's fine.

If you want to hear me talk about online teaching and my own struggles watch this video here:

Stay well, stay safe and be kind to yourself,

LVSCreations xx

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